Thursday, April 2, 2009

If I had to change one thing about my life, what would it be?

Well, considering my life is perfect, I would not change anything about myself. But if I had to pick something, it would have my gender. I have always wanted to be a guy and not have to deal with "my time of the month", or birth. Girls have so many things to worry about, such as hair, makeup, and clothes. We have to be perfect every moment of the day and and when, in our eyes, we're not, you will know about it.

Im Agrivated!!! :[

Tom's dad says he has to date other girls or he can't go out with me. :[


Kamikaze Pilots

During the late stages of World War II, Japanese pilots would intentionally crash their planes into enemy ships. They would load their planes with explosives, bombs, torpedoes, and full fuel tanks to make the devastation even worse, and, of course, the pilots themselves would die in the attack. These pilots were a major factor in the attack on Pearl Harbor.